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Life in a Northern Town

Life in a Northern Town

Amateur photographer Kennedy Bradshaw captured daily life in the Yukon mining towns of Elsa and Keno from the 1950s through the 1970s. A display of his unique photos opens Thursday at Gallery 22 in Whitehorse.
A Day for Remembering

A Day for Remembering

Yukoners honour Canadian soldiers during the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Canada Games Centre in Whitehorse on Thursday.
Serving it up in the Klondike

Serving it up in the Klondike

Whitehorse high schools battled for supremacy during the finals at the Dawson Invitational Volleyball Tournament over the weekend.
On the Lookout

On the Lookout

Whitehorse skies were filled with a variety of aircraft and parachutes for the National Search and Rescue Exercise organized by Canadian Forces 19 Wing Comox, BC, all this week.
Arctic Moments

Arctic Moments

Whitehorse photographer Peter Mather spent a month kayaking along the Arctic coast from Kaktovik, Alaska, to Ivvavik National Park in North Yukon this summer.
Peel Watershed: Clash Over Paradise

Peel Watershed: Clash Over Paradise

Environmentalists and First Nations are fighting government and mining over the preservation of the Yukon's Peel watershed area.
Rockin' the Klondike: Dawson City Music Festival

Rockin' the Klondike: Dawson City Music Festival

A view of the Dawson City Music Festival through the eyes of musician Dan Mangan.
Water Quest

Water Quest

Paddlers from around the world are making their way to Dawson City, Yukon, in the 740-kilometre long Yukon River Quest - the longest annual canoe and kayak race.
A Day to Celebrate

A Day to Celebrate

First Nations celebrate their culture during National Aboriginal Day at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse.
Wheels in Motion

Wheels in Motion

The annual Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay enjoyed a record year with over 1200 riders on Saturday. The 240-kilometre race ran from Haines Junction to Haines, Alaska.