The Yukon government plans to boost the territory’s creative and cultural industries over the coming decade.
In a Nov. 30 announcement, the government unveiled a 10-year strategy in support of the creative sector with the goal of supporting its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industries covered by the new strategy include: sound recording; music publishing; book publishing; film; interactive digital; craft; and visual arts, as well as the associated labour force and institutions.
The government announcement offered a list of 10 actions planned for the first phase of the strategy. The government pledged to streamline existing funding supports for the industry, develop marketing and export strategies to assist each industry and help build understanding regarding rights, royalties and copyright.
Also pledged under the first phase of the strategy is updated branding and promotion of the Yukon’s creative and cultural industries aimed to raise the profile of the local culture and products beyond the territory’s boundaries. A new cultural centre and museum policy and a system for measuring and monitoring the economic and social impacts of the sector is also in the works.
The first phase has $1.05 million set aside.
The $1.05 million does not include the money for the three new funding programs which are still under development. The three programs are: funding specific to the creative and cultural sector to assist with specific costs like translation, publishing and shipping services, a system of micro grants and a program funding career advancement for creators that might allow them to devote a full year to their work. The funding is expected to be delivered in 2023-2024.
Economic development and tourism and culture minister Ranj Pillai said the strategy is the result of engagement with individuals and groups within the Yukon’s creative and cultural industries as well as First Nations and municipal governments.
“We understand the creative and cultural industries have been challenged and deeply impacted by the pandemic. The actions in this strategy are aimed at stimulating growth over the next decade and beyond,” Pillai said.
“The Yukon’s creative and cultural sector will play an important role in the recovery of the Yukon’s economy and in the restoration of well-being throughout the territory.”
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