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We’re not taking climate change seriously enough, says grocer

Marty Olson looks too young to have his job of manager of Super A, the biggest supplier of groceries in the town of Watson Lake.

Marty Olson looks too young to have his job of manager of Super A, the biggest supplier of groceries in the town of Watson Lake.

Olson was born and raised in Vancouver, leaving at the age of 25 to work for Extra Foods in Vanderhoof, BC, where he spent two years before moving on to Fernie for a year.

Each year for the last four years Marty has visited his mother in Watson Lake; when he felt it was time for a change it was to her that he came, taking her up on her invitation to stay with her until he found something to do.

Olson went and talked to the people at Super A as soon as he got to town; groceries were what he knew, but the store wasn’t looking for anyone at the time so he went to work for Angus Air.

About three months ago, Super A came looking for him; now Olson is a happy man, doing what he does best.

Q: What do you like best about living here?

A: The fishing is good! And it is a quiet and peaceful town.

Q: What do you like the least?

A: The summer rain.

Q: How do you think global concerns are affecting this community?

A: The price of fuel is a concern and it looks as though it is going to get worse.

Q: What would you like to see happen in Watson Lake?

A: Road improvement! And it’d be good if there were more places for young people to hang out.

Q: You haven’t lived here long, but how do you think you are seen by people in the community?

A: I hope they are seeing me as friendly and helpful.

Q: How do your friends see you?

A: Outgoing, easy going, basically a happy person.

Q: Your family?

A: Cheap! But I think they would say I was kind.

Q: What is your best quality?

A: I think I am very loyal, and committed to the people and ideas I believe in.

Q: What is your worst?

A: I am not punctual; I am fashionably late.

Q: What natural gift would you like to possess?

A: I would love to be musical.

Q: What is your present state of mind?

A: Mellow, relaxed, secure.

Q: What quality do you most admire in a woman?

A: Definitely a sense of humour.

Q: In a man?

A: Energy. I don’t like guys who just lay around and don’t do anything.

I also really like spontaneity in men, and women.

Q: What makes you angry?

A: Gossip. Then, laziness and rudeness.

Q: What do you do with your anger?

A: Heavy cursing first, then deep breathing.

Q: What makes you happy?

A: My dog makes me happy; he’s always so glad to see me.

Listening to music makes me happy.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: Go fishing! Actually, anything that involves being outdoors.

Q: Where are you spiritually?

A: I believe in a creator of some sort, but I don’t attend a church, or do anything to express that belief.

Q: What do you want people to know about you?

A: I want them to know that I really care about my work — my friends and family think I sometimes care too much — but I want people to be happy with the job I do. It matters to me.

Q: What fears do you have?

A: I worry about what is going to happen to the Earth; the evidence of climate change is growing and nothing seems to be done about it.

Q: What do you think most people here would not know about you?

A: I am often told how young I look, so I think most people wouldn’t know I have been in the grocery business for 14 years.

I’ve always wanted to travel the world, and someday I will.

About the Author: Yukon News

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