The Yukon government is changing how it announces capital project plans, in hopes of getting better information to contractors sooner.
With the new system, the government will provide a capital project update in the fall, so that potential bidders can plan for the next construction season.
The new process will include separate planning and building budgets for each project, so contractors have a clearer idea of the expected building costs.
Public Works Minister Wade Istchenko announced the change at a news conference in front of the new F.H. Collins school construction site last week.
“The ministers apparently missed the irony of making this announcement at the very site of one of their most mismanaged capital projects,” said MLA Lois Moorcroft, NDP public works critic, in the legislature on Monday.
“This new capital funding process allows this government to hold off on providing budget estimates up until the project is nearly underway. Is this new capital planning process an attempt by this government to alter the planning process merely to avoid embarrassing cost overruns that have plagued this government for years now?” asked Moorcroft.
Istchenko responded that the change is responding to the needs of the territory’s construction industry.
“We are happy to see people, local Yukoners, working,” he said.
“We have promoted an economic economy; I said this. We keep our local suppliers and contractors busy and carried out and created local jobs, and we are proud of that on this side.”