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taylor mcgundy in the muskrat camp

The late Taylor McGundy and Mary Luke had a muskrat camp not too far from Carmacks. Taylor is seen here with stretched beaver and muskrat skins. The photograph was taken roughly 25 to 30 years ago by myself.

The late Taylor McGundy and Mary Luke had a muskrat camp not too far from Carmacks.

Taylor is seen here with stretched beaver and muskrat skins.

The photograph was taken roughly 25 to 30 years ago by myself. Taylor and Mary lived a traditional lifestyle. They had a nice cabin at 18 Mile, just before Carmacks.

Mary also ran a famous fish camp at Carmacks for 40 or 50 years. Many people came to the camp to visit. I spent a lot of time painting the fish camp in the 1960s and ‘70s. It was an excellent subject, the fish had beautiful orange, red and pink colours that showed up strong in my watercolours.

Both Mary and Taylor are gone now, but their memories live on. Many people loved them. Mary and Taylor’s daughter Irene still lives in Carmacks and Bob Charlie’s aunt was Mary Luke.

Anyone with information about this subject, please write Jim Robb: The Colourful Five Per Cent Scrapbook—Can You Identify? c/o the Yukon News,

211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon,

Y1A 2E4, or e-mail through the News website,