Yukon Energy Corp. staff have rejected a wage settlement negotiated by the Yukon Employees’ Union.
Union negotiator Jim Brohman recommended the deal to the 56 employees.
But a majority voted against it.
They thought the deal wasn’t good enough, said union president Laurie Butterworth.
Linemen at Yukon Electric Company Ltd. make $10 more an hour than Yukon Energy employees doing the same work.
“That’s why this thing failed - the wage package,” he said.
Butterworth couldn’t provide more detailed information about the negotiated deal before press time. Brohman was travelling to Ontario and could not be reached for comment.
The deal fell apart in early March.
Now the process moves to binding arbitration. Yukon Energy Corp. employees are deemed an essential service and are barred from strike action.
The first arbitration meeting is probably going to happen in June, said Butterworth.
Contact Richard Mostyn at rmostyn@yukon-news.com