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RCMP rescue three boaters in Mayo

RCMP rescue three boaters in Mayo A trio of boaters were saved from the banks of the Stewart River after their jet boat capsized near Fraser Falls.

A trio of boaters were saved from the banks of the Stewart River after their jet boat capsized near Fraser Falls.

The three men - a 35-year-old from Whitehorse, a 48-year-old from Fort St John and a 74-year-old from Pouce Coupe, B.C. - were all able to make it to shore but ended up on opposite sides of the water Wednesday just before 6 p.m.

Mayo RCMP say the rescue is a reminder of why it’s important to carry emergency supplies.

The group had a satellite phone and were able to call out for help and start a fire to stay warm.

The Mayo RCMP responded to the scene within the hour and airlifted the group with the help of Trans North Helicopters.

They were brought to Mayo for assessment and treatment at the health centre. No one was seriously injured.

“We were happy we were able to provide such a timely response,” said Cpl. Chris Hutchings. “This situation highlights why it is so important to wear a life jacket at all times while on a boat and carry emergency supplies such at satellite phones and SPOT beacons when recreating in the backcountry.”

(Ashley Joannou)