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Public pension contributions to rise

Public servants can expect to pay a larger contribution to their pensions in the future, the federal government indicated during last week's budget speech.

Public servants can expect to pay a larger contribution to their pensions in the future, the federal government indicated during last week’s budget speech.

And that will have an impact on Yukon government workers, as their pensions are administered by Ottawa, warned NDP Leader Liz Hanson on Tuesday.

The change amounts to an average annual pay cut of $1,100 per worker, she said. With approximately 4,000 territorial government workers, “that’s $4.4 million not being spent in the local economy,” said Hanson.

She asked Premier Darrell Pasloski how he’d spend this windfall.

Pasloski demurred, noting that it remains to be seen when this change will take effect. “We’re waiting for details,” he said.

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