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Premier, Yukon NDP leader call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza

Yukon NDP Leader Kate White called for the ceasefire at a rally for Palestine in Whitehorse
Yukon NDP Leader Kate White (right) at a rally for Palestine outside the Yukon legislature on Oct. 26. (Submitted)

Yukon NDP Leader Kate White spoke at a rally for Palestine outside the Yukon legislature at noon on Oct. 26. The Palestinian exclave known as the Gaza Strip has been under Israeli bombardment for three weeks following an Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel by Hamas fighters.

According to a Yukon NDP spokesperson, approximately 50 people were in attendance, and White was the only MLA to speak at the rally.

She started her speech by calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and establishing a humanitarian corridor.

“I want to encourage all Yukoners to think about the humans who are living in Gaza. The majority of Palestinians are not part of Hamas. The majority of Palestinians are not responsible for the horrific attacks on Israelis by Hamas,” White said.

“Palestinians are people like you, like me, like regular Canadians with hopes and dreams for the future, for their children’s future. I can only hope that their hopes and dreams survive another day.”

She spoke about those in the Jewish and Muslim communities who fear a rise in violence and hate and condemned Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

“Hate has no place here,” White told the crowd.

In a statement issued the same day, Premier Ranj Pillai supported calls for a ceasefire and offered instructions on how Yukoners could support humanitarian efforts in the Middle East.

“The Government of Yukon supports calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for respect and protection for civilian infrastructure to prevent loss of civilian lives,” Pillai said in the statement.

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