We have another interesting letter related to the photograph on the right from Dave Locke Sr. of Kelowna, B.C. In the recent past this column featured a very informative, interesting letter from Rosalie Brown. Now we have another letter that helps to tie in the story of a long-time, unique Yukon family.
Above appears a small section of a photograph that Dave Locke Sr. sent me. It is of Ann Horsfall and Chuck Caddy, Locke believes. And it sure is. It’s so remarkably close that it has to be the couple.
Thank you very much, Dave Locke Sr., for your letter and photo. The letter follows:
Mr. Robb,
In response to your query re: the photo in the Oct. 5/11 Yukon News (copy enclosed), I believe the lady in question could well be Ann Horsfall. Ann married my uncle, Chuck Caddy Sr.
I am enclosing a copy of a photo of my mother’s family at the wedding of her sister Alma Caddy to Bill Hamilton. In the top, left-hand corner is the photo of Ann Horsfall with my uncle Chuck Caddy beside her. I think you will agree that the likeness to the person in your photo is remarkable. I have no idea who the other people in your picture are.
The wedding photo was taken late ‘40s or early ‘50s.
Dave Locke Sr.
Kelowna, B.C.
Anyone with information about this subject, please write Jim Robb: The Colourful Five Per Cent Scrapbook - Can You Identify? c/o the Yukon News, 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2E4, or email through the News website, www.yukon-news.com.