Hillcrest drivers will soon have to dial back their speed in the neighbourhood.
The Hillcrest Neighbourhood Plan recommends making the speed limit a uniform 40 km/h throughout the neighbourhood. The speed along a portion of Hillcrest Drive was lowered to 40 km/h in response to speeding concerns, but city administration now considers a uniform limit for the neighbourhood most effective.
The bylaw instituting the new speed limit was passed at city council on Monday night. The changes will be implemented this spring.
“Anywhere we can make things easier to understand what the rules of the road are is good. Having consistent speeds makes a good amount of sense. Forty kilometres an hour is a reduction that will hopefully provide additional safety for local residents,” said Coun. Kirk Cameron.
In January, council adopted the blueprint for the neighbourhood plan, and pieces of it are now being implemented. A zoning amendment passed first reading on Monday night.
The new plan also includes height restrictions of eight metres in the Steelox area and nine metres in other areas of the neighbourhood. There are also local improvements planned, including the widening of some roadways and other construction projects.