The driver of the truck that crushed a Whitehorse tire technician has been fined $3,000, but will not need to appear in court.
Allan Lelievre, an employee of North 60 Petro, was charged following the death of technician Denis Chabot at Integra Tire in 2011.
Chabot, 34, was crushed underneath a truck he had been working on.
Lelievre was behind the wheel and did not do a walk around of the vehicle, which is required by law.
Earlier this year, Integra Tire, North 60 and Lelievre’s supervisor Frank Taylor were all fined in territorial court for their roles in Chabot’s death.
Lelievre chose not to have his case heard at the same time as the others.
Kurt Dieckmann, director of the Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board’s Corporate Services branch, said there’s nothing new to be gained by launching into a second trial.
He said Lelievre has accepted responsibility.
By accepting an administrative penalty, he is still being found guilty of an offense under the territory’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, Dieckmann explained.
“The main difference is the level of penalty that’s available. In either case if you are found guilty you’re guilty of an offence under the act,” he said.
The maximum administrative penalty is $5,000. In court, a judge can fine someone up to $150,000 for a first offence under the act.
Last week a judge fined Integra Tire $48,750. North 60 was fined $43,000 and Taylor was fined $3,000.
In those cases some of the money was earmarked for a local safety organization.
That’s not possible with administrative penalties, Dieckmann said.
“It would have been nice if we could just go and apply it in a similar matter, say to a charity or something like that, but we can’t under the act,” he said.
The money will go into the worker’s compensation fund.