Despite millions in dedicated funding, the Canada Yukon Housing Benefit (CYHB) launched at the beginning of the year has maxed out and now has a waiting list for Yukoners looking to access the rent subsidy.
“Yukon Housing Corporation’s CYHB budget for this year has been fully subscribed as well as additional funds contributed by the corporation to meet the demand,” said Aneesha Singh, a spokesperson for the Yukon Housing Corporation.
Singh confirmed that over 200 households have been able to access the funds. She said the waitlist now has just over 20 eligible people on it.
“Eligible applicants will be offered the benefit as funding becomes available through client attrition. Attrition can occur as people move out of the territory, no longer need the benefit or no longer qualify for the benefit,” said Singh. “Eligible applicants will be contacted as space in the program becomes available.”
The fund was launched in November 2020, and was available to families and individuals whose household income is less than approximately $100,000.
It is the first subsidy program in the territory that includes “moderate-income earners.”
In general, Yukoners qualify for the subsidy if they rent a bachelor and as a household make under $51,480; rent a one-bedroom and make under $59,320; rent a two-bedroom and make under $68,720; rent a three-bedroom and make under $85,840; rent a four-bedroom and make under $87,040 or rent a five-bedroom and make under $103,070.
The funding commitment means the program will be available until 2027 under the National Housing Strategy. The original program includes $9.1 million of new federal funding, combined with a mix of territorial cost matching, for a total of $18.2 million.
“We look forward to working collaboratively with CMHC to learn more about funding allocations and program priorities for the Yukon, to ensure that the CYHB reaches the maximum number of Yukon households,” said Singh.
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