The goal is simple, if challenging: house 100 vulnerable people in Whitehorse and the surrounding area.
The method? Connect with local landlords, create careful tenant-landlord matches, and offer long-term supports for a successful tenancy.
The 100 Homes Campaign is a joint initiative from Safe at Home, Canadian Medical Association Foundation, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and City of Whitehorse, and initially the goal was to complete the project by March 31. With Whitehorse’s vacancy rate for social and affordable rental units sitting at zero per cent, the 100 Homes Campaign hasn’t yet reached their goal, but they’re not giving up.
The campaign has built excellent relationships with landlords and is well on their way to their goal. The method is working — with just a bit more time and a growing list of landlords the campaign will reach its goal!
Homelessness in Whitehorse by the numbers:
- So far, The 100 Homes Campaign has secured 19 units from seven local landlords
- 361 people are on the waiting list for Yukon Housing
- According to CMHC’s Northern Housing Report, only 29 per cent of lone-parent households were able to afford market rental housing
- 900 overnight stays at the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter in November 2020

Benefits for landlords
If you have a rental unit in Whitehorse or the surrounding area, The 100 Homes Campaign will support you in finding a successful, long-term tenant. It’s a win-win: you get to continue earning revenue from a rental unit, and you also get to house vulnerable people and help solve Whitehorse’s housing crisis!
- Guaranteed rent payments
- Careful prioritizing of tenants to ensure a good match for the property and the landlord. Ensuring the unit is a good match for the tenant (the right size, close to necessary services, accessible, etc.) helps create successful long-term relationships.
- Supports for tenants and landlords to make tenancy successful
- Limited turnover — matches clients with long-term support services to help them stay permanently housed
- Landlord protection fund to protect against damages
- Reduced vacancies and quick turn-around to find tenants
- Supported neighbour/neighbourhood relationships
- Eviction planning and prevention strategies
- Opportunity to support your community and help people in need
- And of course, you have the last word in who your tenant is!
If you’re interested in getting involved, reach out to Kathryn Watson to learn more! Once you’ve identified available unit(s) and described the type of tenant you’re looking for, you’ll be matched with tenants that meet your requirements and are a good fit for the unit.
Visit, email or call 867.334.7686.