Quitpath has been developed to provide advice and encouragement at key craving times, and to help you stay the course when willpower alone isn’t enough. It can also provide free quit aids to manage withdrawal – another key component of successful quitting.
“Quitpath is a program that reaches out to you, but you can also activate the program to support you when you need it most,” says Quitpath program Quit Coach Emily Bradbury.
“Imagine waking up and boom, before you can even think about it, the cravings hit you. And morning cravings can be among the worst.
“But then your phone chimes and you see a text message from us.”
TEXT: Today is a new day. How are you feeling? Text back GOOD, SO-SO, BAD
“And you remember right away that help is there. And you remember why you invited that help into your life. Because it’s hard to quit on your own!” Emily says.
“Then later that morning, you could be grabbing a coffee, and another wave of craving just washes over you. But you’re not without resources. You can pull out your phone and check the latest text from us.”
TEXT: Cravings usually last 5 to 15 minutes. Find something to distract yourself. As difficult as it is, the cravings will pass. They always do. It’ll feel so good to keep on your quit path.
Emily adds, “You can reach out to us if you’re having a tough moment, or if you have something coming up that’s going to be a trigger. We are there for you.”
The Quitpath program provides daily reminders of what pushes people to want to quit, and it keeps pace with you through your worst times through whatever method will most likely lead to your successful quit.
You can choose any combination of text or phone or email to get support when you need it.
As Quit Coach Emily notes, “Every person is different and every quit is unique. What they all have in common is experiencing discomforts and challenges. So everyone can find support here.”
Quitpath is a free program, developed in the Yukon for Yukoners. Visit quitpath.ca for more information or to register.