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Pine Lake Trail in Haines Junction chosen for Trail Care Day event

With the hard work done in advance, volunteers in Haines Junction used June 1 to celebrate

The Pine Lake route in Haines Junction was one of 10 locations across Canada chosen to spotlight Trail Care Day activities on June 1. 

Trans Canada Trail marked Trail Care Day by showcasing what goes in to keeping the "world’s longest trail network" alive and well. Activities planned across the selected locations included building new networks along existing routes, removing debris, keeping up with maintenance and celebrating volunteers. 

Volunteers from Pedal Junction and the Village of Haines Junction readied the 6.8 kilometres of paved pathway between the village and the popular lake and campsite a bit earlier than anticipated by Trans Canada Trail media relations manager Justin Fauteux.

Cyclists, hikers and horseback riders who traditionally use the trail during the summer months are now getting an early opportunity to jaunt along the route that parallels the Alaska Highway in pristine conditions. 

With the hard work done in advance of the June 1 event, the day could be a celebration. A spotlight was put on showcasing and celebrating the efforts of volunteers instead of coordinating trail maintenance on the Pine Lake Trail, Fauteux said. Residents and visitors from around the territory came together and spent a day out on the trail as a show of solidarity in what was arranged to be a fun-run style event. Cyclists, runners, longboarders and dog walkers attended in high spirits, Fauteux said. Events later concluded with attendees convening at the Village Bakery and Deli for live musical performances from local artist, Kingswardfish. 

"Trail Care Day embodies the spirit of grassroots stewardship. Communities can shape their local trail experience while contributing to the collective preservation of Canada's iconic trail network," Mathieu Roy, chief executive officer at Trans Canada Trail, said in a press release.

Trans Canada Trail also told the News about some financial support being put into the Yukon’s trail system this spring. Fauteux noted that the Klondike Snowmobile Association was provided funding to replace signage where needed along the Whitehorse Copper Trail. The Dawson City trails were also given a touch up with fresh wayfinding signage at two locations. 

“These grants support the trail where it really counts, at the local level. Trail groups can decide what their community needs most, while making their mark on this incredible national trail network,” Roy said. 

All in all, grants totalling $4,000 went out to trail groups across the territory and contributed towards minor repairs, renovations and efforts to remove and clean up trash along connector trails from Mary Lake to Braeburn Lodge.