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When did this tractor operate?

The tractor is from the 1920s or 1930s, I think. Where the tractor photograph was taken I don't know - perhaps the Keno, Mayo area. It looks like the sled is packed with gas cans. I believe this photograph was taken by a Yukon oldtimer

The tractor is from the 1920s or 1930s, I think.

Where the tractor photograph was taken I don’t know - perhaps the Keno, Mayo area.

It looks like the sled is packed with gas cans.

I believe this photograph was taken by a Yukon oldtimer, Mickey McCarthy, who took many interesting photographs in this time period.

They probably hauled the mail around the Yukon with rigs like this.

I wonder if there is anyone still around that used to work on or with these tractors?

The photo is from my collection.

Anybody with information about this subject, please write Jim Robb: The Colourful Five Per Cent Scrapbook - Can You Identify? c/o the Yukon News, 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon,

Y1A 2E4, or e-mail through the News website,