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Letter: Situation makes staying in place challenging

I am concerned over a future for myself and my friends that worked to build and care for our communities
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I am now 72-and-a-half years old. Health could be scaled, say 80 per cent, considering. 

Chances are good I could get another 10 years out of this carcass.

I presently care over a seriously disabled couple in this small community of Upper Liard. I am concerned over a future for myself and my friends that worked to build and care for our communities. 

My plan is to remain happy here at my home. What if we need a little help to stay here? 

The alternative is to yank me away from our security and warehouse into a frightful situation, quite likely, into places that haven't been built in time. Our population is rapidly increasing. 

Will it be cheaper to keep us here rather than a city? 

We will support any kind of help. The plus is, we will continue to keep your highway open. 

I have had 50 good years in our beautiful piece of this world. The hope is to finish in good style. I live in a small, comfortable cabin and have learned to economize; my needs are few. 

Please place this letter in your paper. The aim is to entice my friends to write the same. Like a survey. Like a petition. 

Dan Flanagan 

Upper Liard