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It takes a community

It takes a community

It takes a community

I would like to send out an enormous thank you to all those who made Timbits Soccer a possibility this year. Timbits Soccer is the major feeder program for the rest of Yukon Soccer and I cannot stress enough the importance of a strong and fun program to get kids interested. It really does take a very special group of people to not only make this program possible, but to make it such a success. I had the pleasure this year of being heavily involved in the planning and execution of Timbits Soccer and I learned firsthand the amount of hard work and commitment that goes on behind the scenes.

Imagine this scene: On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, 80 kids between the ages of three and five gather at Whitehorse Elementary School to participate. This scene is absolute chaos. Kids are running around, laughing, playing, enjoying the sport, and their parents and siblings are there to watch. For me, this is the best kind of chaos.

Furthermore, Emily Dorosz and I would like to take a moment to publicly thank all those who were involved in Timbits Soccer this year. To Tim Hortons, who sponsored us this year, thank you for giving back to your community and providing the kids with a jersey, medal and soccer ball. This donation did not go unnoticed. The kids and parents were absolutely thrilled about all the goodies they got to take home despite getting rained out on our last night.

To all the coaches who showed up rain or shine, thank you for being so dedicated and enthusiastic with the kids. It takes a coach with a special heart to work so enthusiastically in such conditions and the group of coaches this year truly surpassed my expectations. This program would not be possible without the support and commitment of the coaches.

Lastly, I would like to thank Lisa-Marie Vowk and Edgar Musonda from Whitehorse Minor Soccer for your guidance and support.

Stephanie Pike Emily Dorosz Whitehorse

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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