I feel that the decision to cut funding to the YuWIN online job board is an egregious error. This is a website that receives thousands of hits per day, so it is very actively being used in the Yukon.
I can personally attest to its success, as in the past, I have been able to find work very quickly from the site. This is absolutely the best place to go to see what work is available all over the territory, as no other resource, including the Canada job bank, is so comprehensive and specific to our territory.
This resource is a very important part of the Yukon work force, and whatever the decision to shut it down is based upon, there is a lack of understanding of what resources need to be kept available to Yukoners.
I hope that there will be somewhere else that YuWIN can apply for funding, as this resource has been invaluable to myself and thousands of other people in the Yukon.
Telek Rogan