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Diesel exhaust main worry inside Closeleigh Manor

Diesel exhaust main worry inside Closeleigh Manor The real issue at Closeleigh Manor has been very unsafe air quality which may possibly be a direct result of fugitive diesel particulates and glycol leaks, and not carbon monoxide gas, as portrayed in yo

The real issue at Closeleigh Manor has been very unsafe air quality which may possibly be a direct result of fugitive diesel particulates and glycol leaks, and not carbon monoxide gas, as portrayed in your Sept. 19 article.

Yukon Housing Corporation is correct to say the current situation has little to do with carbon monoxide. The moving of the air intake from street level to the third-floor-level on the backside of the building was directly linked to too much carbon monoxide inside the building in April 2012. Since the move of the air intake there have only been a few small incidents of carbon monoxide in 2012-2014.

The current placement of the air intake may have a new set of dynamics for the increase unsafe air, but carbon monoxide is not the key suspect.

The current situation of unsafe air was brought to YHC’s attention in January 2014, not 2013, and was identified as a situation of unsafe levels of particulates, not gas.

YHC has awarded two tenders:

Air Care Yukon - Duct Cleaning - $21,000

VacTech Systems - Air Intake Relocation - $91,000

Your reporting missed reporting the current and possibly historic challenge of bad air within Closeleigh Manor’s walls. The suspected culprit is most probably diesel particulates - way too many of them - numbers exceeding safe levels to ingest or breath.

Davina Harker


About the Author: Yukon News

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