Recently, the Yukon News gleefully reported on the establishment of a gay-straight alliance club at Vanier Catholic School, seeming thereby an unabashed sycophant of political correctness.
The News lauded those students who wore rainbow socks at the school’s grad ceremony. Come on! But how can students know better when the majority of the media, so many parents and teachers, many leaders, and even some churches, no longer seem to know right from wrong?
Society seems ever less concerned about the kind of healthy communities that come from a strong moral, ethical and spiritual grounding and the consequent capacity to recognize truth, discern right from wrong, and live with honour and integrity. Instead we sigh “whatever” and bow to post-modernist relativism and the self-serving “rights pushers” who only seek carte blanche to please themselves.
Not surprising given that the Bible described this very situation 3,000 years ago. It is, however, astonishing that the Catholic community has remained silent and has allowed bullies to malign their bishop, school board and some staff, and affront their Catholic Christian faith.
There is a cost to this silence, the sum of which is as yet unknown, but a hint of it may be gleaned from the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer wrote that he did not speak up when the Nazis came for a succession of groups, then, when they finally came for him, there was no one left to speak up.
Oh yes, regarding those socks, those who wear them should not be ignorant of the real meaning of the rainbow. Long ago, rampant sin led God to send a deluge which wiped out all life save that on the Ark. Afterwards, God gave the rainbow as a sign of His promise that He would never again send a flood to destroy life on earth. The rainbow belongs to God and to all of us. That the homosexual lobby has purloined it for themselves disrespects both God and man as do those who wear it for such a purpose.
The movement for homosexual rights has gone far beyond social justice to social licence and absurd logic such as the notion that the values which underpin the use of “public money” belong to the homosexual lobby while the values of those who do not agree but are also members of the public count for nothing. Gay-straight clubs go way beyond any reasonable measure of a safe schools policy to indulgence of a special interest group and should not be allowed in any school. Forcing Vanier to have such a club is an injustice and a misuse of government power.
It is not too late for re-consideration of this corrupt policy. Its supporters might also consider attending a few Sunday services of a Bible-believing church to see and hear about God’s love and purpose for mankind, as well as learn wisdom, principles for healthy and successful living, and true love for our neighbours. After all, the social justice movement began in the Christian church.
Rick Tone