At 5:30 p.m. on April 15, Whitehorse city council is due to consider a new zoning bylaw that would have the city consider applications for drilling and mining exploration within the city limits on a case by case basis. A final vote on the bylaw will occur a week later on April 22 at 5:30 p.m.
Yukoners Concerned believes that far from allowing for the possibility of further mining development within the city, city council should be seeking to ban mining activity within its jurisdiction.
There is no baseline data on the cumulative impacts of mining on our water sources, water that makes its way down to the Yukon River and into our aquifers.
We believe drilling on the city’s doorstep will increase radon pathways through subsurface rock, allowing radon to enter homes. Radon is a known cause of lung cancer.
No studies have been done to determine the cumulative impacts on recreation, wildlife and land, including our trails for walking, running and skiing.
What impact will drilling and/or mining development have on our quality of life and on property values?
What of the cost of remediation of land, soil and water? Reclamation should be an integral part of any development permit. Is the city in a position to enforce this?
Water is critical to all life. Mineral activity has, historically, had a negative impact on water. No activity that has a negative impact on our drinking supply should be allowed to take place.
Given both what we know and what we don’t about mining development in city limits, the city should be firmly ruling it out, not laying the groundwork for further development.
City council, implement a complete ban on mining within city limits.
If you share these concerns, bring your voice to city council on April 15, and again on April 22.
Donald J Roberts
Yukoners Concerned