Every month, citizens write in to our pages to discuss goings on in the territory.
Sometimes they laud people and events, at other times they offer salient criticism or insights that our community leaders might have missed.
In most cases, these people are standing up before their family, friends and neighbours in an effort to make our community safer, cleaner, more fun, efficient and humane, honest and, generally, better.
It isn’t easy. It takes time, effort and courage. In all cases, their efforts should be applauded.
And so we give our thanks to the following for making last month’s letter pages so compelling:
Cathy Deacon, Patricia Bacon, Julie Bishop, Jeanette Bringsli, Frank Calandra, Dale Worsfold, Carole Tootill, Ginette Chamberland, Laurie Johnson, Lynn Martin, John Firth, Lauren Tuck, Mike Grieco, Erini Petroutsas, Joe Trerice, Charlotte Hrenchuk, Bill and Carolyn Dempsey, Debbie Trudeau, Pamela Holmes and Douglas Irish, Jessica L. Pumphrey, Rachel Westfall, Roger Rondeau, Murray Martin, Gary McRobb, Julie Ménard, Kevin Sinclair, Linda Leon, John Edzerza, Douglas Rody.