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trouble in government

Once upon a time, Premier Dennis Fentie viewed the perceived failures of former-premier Pat Duncan with glee.

Dawson laughs at voter fatigue

Call it the year of elections.This year, territorial voters have cast ballots in a federal election, and territorial and municipal are upcoming.

talk of the town

Alright, we need your help.Next week, we recast the Monday edition.You’re going to find stories about one of Canada’s best principals…

harper comes out of the cabinet

And so it begins.Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed his cabinet.And, almost immediately, the pragmatism that Ottawa forces on national…

lost and found1

These days, there is much confusion about the changing face of TV.You can now buy DVDs of virtually any show ever made.

time for a crackdown

It’s a municipal election year.Councillor Mel Stehelin doesn’t seem to care.And we’re not surprised.

yukon remians in the dark

At this point, we don’t know whether to be angry or alarmed.But we’re leaning towards angry.

Blackout revealed systemic flaws

Sunday’s power outage showed how dim the Yukon Emergency Measures Organization is.The organization might be on top of…

bertuzzis legacy

Two nine-year-old boys were sitting on the bench at soccer the other night, chatting freely as young boys will.They were talking hockey.

When victory is not a mandate

Hats off to Stephen Harper.In a story that could be called Triumph of the Reluctant Policy Wonk, Harper finessed the Conservative Party into a…