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One hell of a gamble with the Porcupine caribou

One hell of a gamble with the Porcupine caribou

The Yukon Chamber of Commerce is understandably steamed over a big setback that Northern Cross faces in its plans to dig more oil-and-gas wells in Eagle Plains.

Time to prepare for a warming world

Wars are often fought on multiple fronts, and the fight against climate change is no different.
Dawson City's sewage plant looks like another money pit

Dawson City's sewage plant looks like another money pit

No matter how much potpourri-scented aerosol the Yukon Party sprays into the air, it's hard to hide the underlying stink that wafts from Dawson City's problem-prone sewage treatment plant.
Our problems pale compared to Syria's sorrows

Our problems pale compared to Syria's sorrows

On Saturday the 11-member Aarafat family ended their long journey from Syria to their new home in Whitehorse. The arrival of the territory's first family of refugees from the war-torn country serves as a reminder of a few things.

Don't hold your breath for a Kaska resource breakthrough

The Yukon Party's much-ballyhooed agreement with the Kaska on resource issues should be treated as a qualified success by at least one measure.
An old fashioned fix for the city's recycling fracas

An old fashioned fix for the city's recycling fracas

The real problem with the City of Whitehorse's curbside recycling scheme is that it ignores the Yukon capital's unique history.

City's curbside critics assume Raven gets a free lunch

As sure as day follows night, some Whitehorse residents can be counted on to turn red-faced at the news that their municipal government wants them to pay more money.

If the gravy train grinds to a halt, then what?

Premier Darrell Pasloski has good reason to be miffed by news that Ottawa's annual shipment of loot may wind up $23 million less than expected next year. After all, it's a territorial election year.
Another government plan, another missing price tag

Another government plan, another missing price tag

Tell us if this is starting to sound familiar. The Yukon government has an important announcement to make. A news release is duly issued, and maybe big wigs are assembled to deliver some canned comments.
Peel decision a hollow win for the Yukon government

Peel decision a hollow win for the Yukon government

Well, it looks like the crystal ball at the Yukon News could use a spit shine. We’ve previously predicted in these pages that the Yukon government would keep on losing in its long-running court battle.