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Letter: On snow clearing rules and responsibilities in Whitehorse

Writer is concerned about the state City of Whitehorse graders sometimes leave streets in
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The city has a bylaw that requires home owners (Tax Payers) to clear snow from public sidewalks within 48 hours and forbids the individuals from placing that snow on the roads because it interferes with vehicle traffic.

However the civic public service grades the streets creating snow windrows in the middle of the street road that restricts vehicle traffic and prevents homeowners from parking on the road next to the curb in front of their homes. Some people do not have driveways and need the street. They leave these windrows for in excess of 10 days before any attempt is made to remove this windrow.

Why is the city violating their own bylaw and not removing these vehicle restricting windrows within 48 hours. They fine homeowners who exceed the 48 hours snow removal bylaw.

The street before grading was driveable on the hard packed snow and people were able to park next to the curb in front of their homes. Although it is appreciated that streets are cleaned, one can not understand why scheduling the snow removal within a reasonable time after grading can not be completed. If there are not sufficient front end loaders/Dump trucks , then leave the grading of a portion of the neighbourhood for another day instead of grading the entire neighbourhood and causing vehicle restrictions for everyone that lasts for multiple weeks.

As a home owner we pay a lot of money for the services the city provides so why can we not have a service that creates little problems for us.

Dave Hookham
