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Letter: Do more to stop needless bear deaths

One writer's response to a late-June bear attack in Haines Junction and the killing of the bears involved
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First, we need to see this nightmare unfold through the eyes of the bear. 

He and his ancestors travelled through this migration corridor for hundreds if not thousands of years. Then man comes along and puts a road, walking trail and campground right in the middle of it. 

The bears' worst task is to get across the highway with his two females in tow. He steps out of the bush onto the trail and was met with a raging German shepherd and human that couldn't control her dog. The bear went on the attack to save his females and it cost him his life.

The next phase of this fiasco is very hard to understand. The two females were killed for who knows the reason, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If there was doubt as to who the guilty party was, a tranquilizer dart would have given them the answer they needed and the bears would still be alive. 

The fourth one must have done some horrible things because three weeks later, wardens were still trying to track it down and kill it. 

Sounds to me like campers were more at risk from the authorities and their mismanagement of the situation. Not the bears.

There is a cold and callous way people in government turn a blind eye to the atrocities their employees commit against these proud and majestic animals. Also, the black bear is taking a hard hit when it comes to numbers.

People in high places allow companies to desecrate our water ways, destroy the habitat the animals rely on and then kill them if they get in the way. 

Doesn't sound to me like mankind has evolved much past the Stone Age. 

David Wilson 
