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“Once a new idea springs into existence, it cannot be unthought. There is a sense of immortality in a new idea.

 “Once a new idea springs into existence, it cannot be unthought. There is a sense of immortality in a new idea.” (Edward De Bono)

Red Friday …

Is Red Friday an idea whose time has come?

It seems apropos following another impressive Remembrance Day service.

Red Friday is an idea being promulgated on the net, an idea for your consideration. I present an edited version for those not hooked-on-the-net, or for those who are and haven’t yet received the Red Friday e-mail.

No source, nor writer, nor storyteller is identified. It’s an idea apparently seeking support, approval, and action.

It begins in first person: “Traveling on business in Canada last week a soldier, carrying a folded flag, sat across from me.

Curious, I asked if he was going home.

“No, I’m escorting a soldier home,” he replied. “He was killed in Afghanistan. I am taking him home to his family.”

At the gate the pilot announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have had the honour of having Sergeant Steeley of the Canadian Armed Forces on this flight. He is escorting a fallen comrade home to his family. Please remain in your seats when we open the forward door to allow Sergeant Steeley to deplane and receive his fellow soldier. We will then turn off the seat belt sign.”

Silence enveloped us all as the sergeant left the plane, alone.

Those of us on the one side of the plane saw Sgt. Steeley salute the casket as it was taken carefully to the waiting limo.

This story is followed by a plea and an explanation of the idea of Red Fridays.

“Very soon you’ll see many Canadians wearing Red every Friday.

“The reason — once called ‘the silent majority’ many Canadians want to show our support for our troops, and continue to do so until the troops return home.

“All we’re asking is wear red on Fridays!”

The e-mail doesn’t reveal who “we” are, but as Edward De Bono suggests above it’s a new idea, and can’t be un-thought. I wonder where Canadians will take it?

A reminder never hurt us during the six years of the Second World War. It took many forms and the common version was usually, “There’s a war on, you know.”

It was echoed recently on national television by retired General Lewis MacKenzie telling all Canadians, very emphatically, “There’s a war on!”

I wonder, if we can’t find anything red some Fridays, would it be OK to wear a poppy?

We live the way we do, have the life we have, because of what they did, and what they are doing.

Lest we forget!

Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.

Speaking of e-mail, here’s  Mom …

 “I had been teaching my three-year-old daughter the Lord’s Prayer,” said Mom. “For several evenings at bedtime, she would repeat the lines after me, then finally, she decided to go solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer: ‘Lead us not into temptation but deliver us some e-mail. Amen.”

Anonymous’ view of the net …

We have all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works  of Shakespeare. Now thanks to the internet we know this is not true.

He who laughs, lasts!

A cheechako young lieutenant, a very small and helpless looking fellow, stood in front of his new company of soldiers, and, as is the way of soldiers, whispering began and even audible comments about his apparent ineptness, until a voice boomed from the rear ranks, “And a little child shall lead them,” followed by a roar of laughter.

Apparently undisturbed, the boyish looking officer finished the business of the day and dismissed the company. The following day a notice appeared on the bulletin board: “Company A will take a 25-mile hike today with full packs. And a little child shall lead them … on a damned big horse!”

And a tip of the hat to you too!