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Canada’s population in 1956:16 million.Number of Tim Hortons restaurantsin 1956: 0.Number of Tim Hortons restaurantsin 1964: 1.

Canada’s population in 1956:

16 million.

Number of Tim Hortons restaurants

in 1956: 0.

Number of Tim Hortons restaurants

in 1964: 1.

Number of Tim Hortons restaurants

as of December 14, 2006: 3,000.

Population of Canada, 2006:


Population of NWT, 2006: 41,464.

Population of NWT, 2001: 37,360.

Percentage change: 11.

Population of Nunavut, 2006: 29,474.

Population of Nunavut, 2001: 26,745.

Percentage change: 10.2.

Population of the Yukon, 2006:


Population of the Yukon, 2001:


Percentage change: 5.9.

Canada’s population growth from

2001-2006, as a percentage: 5.4.

US Population increase from 2001-

2006, as a percentage: 5.

UK population increase from 2001-

2006, as a percentage: 1.9.

Germany’s: 0.

Total population of Canada’s six,

million-plus cities — Toronto,

Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa-

Gatineau, Calgary and Edmonton:

13.6 million.

Relative size of the six biggest cities

as a percentage of Canada’s popula

tion: 45.

Number of Canadians living in cities:

25 million.

Percentage of national population:


Canada’s rural population: 6 million.

Percentage of national population:


World population as of July, 2005:

6.5 billion.

Global urban population:

3.15 billion.

Percentage: 48 per cent.

Global rural population: 3.31 billion.

Percentage: 51 per cent.

Population of the developed world:

1.2 billion.

Population of the world’s

less-developed regions: 5.3 billion.

Annual global population growth:

76 million.

Daily: 208,219.

Hourly: 8,675.

Since you started reading this: 72.

Estimated population of the world

in 2050: 9.1 billion.

Estimated population of the

developed world, 2050: 1.2 billion.

Percentage change from today: 0.

Estimated population of the less-

developed world, 2050: 7.8 billion.

Percentage change from today: 27.

Average global life expectancy,

1950-1955: 46.

Average global life expectancy,

2000-2005: 65.

Average global life expectancy,

2045-2050: 75.

Average life expectancy in Eastern

Europe 2000-2005: 66.6 years.

Average life expectancy in Eastern

Europe 1955-1960: 67.2 years.

Number of years since the discovery

of the HIV epidemic: 26.

Estimated number of people killed

by the disease, worldwide, since

1981: 25 million.

Estimated number of people killed

by the disease in 2005: 2.9 million.

Number of nations crippled by the

epidemic: 60.

Estimated use of contraceptives by

women of reproductive age, world

wide, in 2005, as a percentage: 61.

In developed countries: 69.

In undeveloped countries: 59.

In the Caribbean: 72.

In Africa: 27.

Average life expectancy in southern

Africa in 1990-1995: 62 years.

Average life expectancy in southern

Africa in 2000-2005: 48 years.

Figures gathered from the UN and

Statistics Canada (R.M.)

About the Author: Yukon News

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