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the canucks a yukon band that all yukoners love

In the wonderful photograph, to the right, of the Canucks band, Ray Park (in the centre), as you can see, likes to ham it up a bit.

In the wonderful photograph, to the right, of the Canucks band, Ray Park (in the centre), as you can see, likes to ham it up a bit. Whitehorse photographer Alistair Maitland took this photo, which really captured the personalities of the band members.

I’ve always enjoyed listening to the Canucks through many years, starting at the old Whitehorse Inn’s then-quite-beautiful Rainbow Room lounge in the 1960s. I am still, along with many Yukoners, totally a fan of this Whitehorse band.

The Canucks arrived in Whitehorse in September of 1963 to play at the Whitehorse Inn for three months, having just played a successful six-month tour through Southern California and the northwestern U.S.

The band consists of Ray Park, Red Lewis and Ed Isaak. They have been together ever since - almost 50 years - and still play today. They are an eclectic group that plays anything from cool jazz to hot rock and roll and great country.

Many thanks to Susan Alford and Alistair Maitland for the photograph and to Ed Isaak for the information.

Anyone with information about this subject, please write Jim Robb: The Colourful Five Per Cent Scrapbook - Can You Identify? c/o the Yukon News, 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2E4, or email through the News website,