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'Anybody But Conservative' is grade school hooey

'Anybody But Conservative' is grade-school hooey So Kyle Carruthers wants to teach us the ABCs of strategic voting (News, Sept. 2). ABC... aah yes, when we were children we learned the alphabet, then reading, writing, learning a lot of stuff, thinking, de

So Kyle Carruthers wants to teach us the ABCs of strategic voting (News, Sept. 2).

ABC… aah yes, when we were children we learned the alphabet, then reading, writing, learning a lot of stuff, thinking, debating, defining values, making decisions, becoming adults and being informed, participating members of our society. And hopefully, also becoming and being citizens who care enough to vote and to do so intelligently - it all progresses from ABC.

Oh yes, and that other bit of history - you know, all those who worked so hard to birth and build our country, all those who fought and died for it and for our freedom and the right to vote, and all those who continue to contribute to the betterment of our communities and our country, and, of course, those who offer themselves for public service.

The privilege and responsibility of voting requires educating ourselves on the key issues facing our country and coming to a thoughtful and reasoned conclusion on how to vote whether for candidate A, B or C. But some use ABC negatively, not as the building block of an educated and discerning mind but as a facile and negative slogan meant to discourage people from voting for whom they think is best primarily to prevent someone whom others may think is best from winning. ABC as a slogan, like the concept of strategic voting itself, leaves much to be desired.

And pity those whose name begins with a C, as they are such easy targets for the ABC slogan crowd. For example, if we confine ourselves to writers of political opinion, it could be a disadvantage to have a name such as Carruthers. I suppose though, ABC could be used positively, for example, All Ballots Conservative… easy as ABC, eh?

If those inclined to such grade-school hooey would remember the alphabet has 26 letters they could also play with other political combinations like BSL, or BLT. Maybe SNDP or OG might do as well for them. That could be just as much fun as combining A and B with anyone who has a name that begins with C. (Try putting words to the letters above and just see if you don’t smile…or even add your own letters.)

Unfortunately CANADA also begins with C. Unless ABC means “All the Best for Canada,” I would rather leave ABC and its warped concept of strategic voting out of our political dialogue.

Truly, our best voting strategy is to vote positively for the party that best represents strong leadership, sensible and balanced policies, good fiscal management, good governance and the general best interests of our nation.

In my opinion, that party remains the Harper-led Conservatives by a Pan Am mile.

Rick Tone


About the Author: Yukon News

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