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Letter to the Editor

Our rich cultureI was fascinated to read about the recent discovery and reconstruction of Canada’s oldest moccasin found in the Yukon.

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It’s not about free speechRe Freedom to Burn:I am not the best-qualified person to write about why Muslims might be protesting so angrily…

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Deadly patch of highwayOpen letter to Glenn Hart, minister of Highways and Public Works,In the past few years, several people have died and been…

black history our history

Twenty-four tonnes and well over two metres tall, a stoic, helmeted face stares out at you from amid the tropical foliage.

Letter to the Editor

Energy probeOpen letter to Dennis Fentie,Several weeks have passed since the majority of Yukon homes and businesses suddenly lost their…

Being normal in abnormal times

Lenny Bruce once remarked, “Every day people are straying away from church and going back to God.

Conservatives alike squabble for control of the Hypocrisy Party

Meet the new boss…. “I am his Highness’ dog at Kew, please tell me sir, whose dog are you?” Alexander Pope,…

Celebrating your lover

What is the reason for celebrating your lover in late winter?Perhaps it’s an attempt to lift the dreariness of winter, perhaps it has some…

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Wildlife has prior claimon McLean LakeOpen letter to the Whitehorse city council,It’s recently come to light that McLean Lake and the…

Now is the time to reconsider the meaning of love

What is your earliest memory?I still argue with my siblings that I have a clear memory going back well over 55 years of my then, two chubby legs…