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letter to the editor373

Save the goldpannerOpen letter to Bill Barnie,Bill, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.Give your head a shake.

It’s nothing serious, just war

Canada is now a nation at war, and as far as the country’s prime minister is concerned, it’s not a serious issue.

Letter to the Editor

Brutalized caribouIt is very positive how much attention has paid towards the protection of ANWR and the Porcupine caribou calving grounds from US…

letter to the editor375

Please, expand bus scheduleOpen letter to Whitehorse Transit management,I’m a single parent of my six-year-old girl.

letter to the editor376

Half traditional, half notI was very disappointed to learn the court ruled against me and for the Ta’an Kwach’an Council in the recent…

A vision for the past

Sometime during the early 1980s Canada lost one of its most serious, influential and visionary political factions: the Progressive Conservatives.

Letter to the Editor

Departing directorspeaks outI would like to use the courtesy of this letter to the editor to say a final farewell to readers of my Yukon News…

what are we fighting for1

Sixty-two per cent of respondents to a recent Globe and Mail survey are opposed to sending Canadian troops into combat in Afghanistan.

signs of the times

Locals know where to find the best eateries.On my first night in Gaborone, Botswana, a land-locked republic in southern Africa, friends…

letter to the editor378

Dog story with happy endingStrange things can happen under the Midnight Sun.After lunch on January 25, I left Yoda, my five-and-a-half-year-old…