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What's up with the helmets? Or, rather, the lack of them around town this year? You'll have to forgive us because we're repeating ourselves here - but, of course, we wish we didn't have to.

What’s up with the helmets? Or, rather, the lack of them around town this year?

You’ll have to forgive us because we’re repeating ourselves here - but, of course, we wish we didn’t have to.

Fact is, similar to last year, many people aren’t wearing helmets.

Everywhere you turn, you see cyclists pedalling down the street with their wild locks flying in the breeze.

It’s beyond time that city bylaw officers crack some, er, heads.

People think helmet use is a personal choice.

It’s not.

Whitehorse passed a law stating cyclists have to wear helmets - an expression of society’s will. Failure to do so will net you a $25 fine.

The cost of a cyclist spilling their brains on the asphalt is far greater - both to the cyclist and society.

Canada’s public health system brings a responsibility for cyclists to protect themselves.

If they don’t, the city has an obligation to slap them with a fine to smarten them up.

The city has established stop checks for helmets in the past. It is time it did so again.

If you need proof, just look around.