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Riverdale rush hour

The Number 1 culprit? Parents driving their kids to school

I applaud the city’s experiment to try and get transit users through the crush of cars on Lewes Blvd. during the morning rush hour.

I’ve lived in Riverdale almost since moving to Whitehorse over 15 years ago and there has always been a rush hour, although it used to start later and be shorter. What people who don’t live in Riverdale don’t always seem to know is that there is no rush hour when the schools are on holiday. The rush hour is caused (at least in part) by kids being driven to school.

With yet another school being built in Riverdale it is time to consider transformative change. But first, as I say to my bus riding buddies, we need to ask parents a crucial question: “What, if anything, would change your decision to drive your child to school?” Then we need to act on that. In closing, I’d ask any parent who drives their kid to Riverdale for school in the morning to consider this question and act on the answer. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Sarah Overington
