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whitehorses downtown ballpark is part of the past

This ballpark was situated where the Elijah Smith Building now stands on Whitehorse's Main Street in the 1940s, and perhaps before. Most of the town came to watch the games. There, both nonnative and First Nation fans cheered their teams.

This ballpark was situated where the Elijah Smith Building now stands on Whitehorse’s Main Street in the 1940s, and perhaps before.

Most of the town came to watch the games. There, both nonnative and First Nation fans cheered their teams.

In the distance you can see the old Capital Theatre. In the middle is Nellie Dennison’s house next to an early version of Hougen’s Variety Store. Now the Hougen family owns the entire block. They have been clever, hardworking businesspeople. And, of course, the entire block has been rebuilt with imagination.

Photograph is from the Jim Robb Collection.

Anyone with information about this subject, please write Jim Robb: The Colourful Five Per Cent Scrapbook—Can You Identify? c/o the Yukon News, 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon,

Y1A 2E4, or e-mail through the News website,