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Stand up for Yukon ingenuity

Yukoners have a long and proud history of ingenuity. As individuals, families and communities we have proven time and time again that we can adapt to new realities. Climate change is one of them.

Yukoners have a long and proud history of ingenuity. As individuals, families and communities we have proven time and time again that we can adapt to new realities. Climate change is one of them.

But the Yukon Party doesn’t believe in Yukon ingenuity.

Our Premier is telling us to ignore climate change. That’s pretty hard to do, since climate change is happening faster up here than anywhere else in Canada.

The Yukon Party wants Yukoners to give up our chance to set up a made-in-Yukon carbon pricing system.

If we don’t set up our own system, then the federal government will be forced to do it for us, and we will lose control of the new revenue that carbon pricing is already generating in places like British Columbia. That means we lose the opportunity to invest in new carbon-reducing projects here in the territory.

The Yukon Party is telling Yukoners to ignore the future. They’re telling us to give up our right as Yukoners to implement a made-in-Yukon response to climate change. That’s not respectful of Yukon ingenuity, and it sure isn’t standing up for Yukoners.

We deserve better.

Gyde Shepherd
