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Letter: We need mining in our Yukon

Writer maintains that mining, including mining involving cyanide, can be done safely
Letters to the editor.

We need mining and agriculture in our Yukon.

The Klondike Gold rush is what built the infrastructure of our Yukon.

Whitehorse Copper.


Mt Nansen.

I worked at Viceroy Gold, a heap leach gold mine, which was a success. They never talk about this mine as a success.

One thing I wasn’t a fan of at Viceroy is that they brought their cyanide in liquid form.

Now, at Victoria Gold, they bring in their cyanide in block solid form, which is very environmentally friendly to transport.

Not liquid form.

When they build a leach pad, they put down a layer of finely crushed rock on the bottom of the pad and then put a thick black liner on top. Then they put down another layer of crushed rock and put another thick black liner on top of this crushed rock.

Then, they start piling oxide ore to begin the process of heap leach mining. Very environmentally friendly.

We have to think ahead and realize that Ottawa will not be able to afford to hand out money like they have been doing in the future. We need mining and real money — GOLD, which we have lots of in the ground.

We have $2.08 billion to spend in 2024.

Viceroy heap leach gold mine was a success story that has never been mentioned in the cry sheets.


You talk about how mining is dangerous.

You never hear about the people living in the cities smothering the planet with asphalt and concrete high-rise buildings.

What about the Yukon government politicians who get a paycheque for trying to develop Whitehorse.

Making a subdivision in the worst place in our Yukon. Whistle Bend. Across the river from Whistle Bend is the sewage lagoon that dumps all of Whitehorse’s sewage from the settling ponds into wetlands.

Try that in the mining industry.

We have enough people in our Yukon with lots of education and knowledge.

But we are lacking experience and wisdom.

Terrance Brown